The extensive insurance of Vapaus Benefit Bikes covers theft, vandalism and accidents both in Finland and abroad.
Our benefit bike insurance is provided by a Finnish company and covers accidents, theft, and vandalism, all around Finland and when traveling for work and pleasure abroad. The insurance becomes valid on the first day of the contract when the bike is delivered to you.
Vapaus insures automatically all benefit bikes and accessories with comprehensive insurance, up to the maximum contract value. You can separately request additional insurance for any excess value directly from Vapaus customer support when ordering the benefit bike.
👉 Benefit Bike downpayment insurance
We only require that your bike was locked when the incident occurred in cases of theft or vandalism and that you report the offense to the police. After that, our Vapaus customer service will handle the rest. You can have your bike replaced with a new one of the same model or choose a completely different model. You'll find the terms of our insurance in your Benefit bike guideline.
The insurance deductible is 240€ /bike /claim.
☝️If your Employer hasn't updated the Benefit bike contract with Vapaus for the newest service plans the insurance deductible is different. Therefore, remember to check your Benefit Bike guide provided by your employer.