Reporting a bug

You found a bug in the app? Here's how to report it so it gets fixed as fast as possible

We're always grateful to users who take the time to report issues they have been experiencing to help us provide a better experience to all.

✨ We are testing the newly renewed Vapaus app interface!

If you encounter problems with your user account or have a suggestion for improvement (or just something else to comment on regarding the appearance), please let us know 🙏
There is a banner at the top of the Vapaus app, where you can fill out the form! ☝️

How to report a bug

For our technical experts to be able repair a bug in our system, they need to be able to reproduce it to follow in real-time what happens and which specific errors our code is returning. For this reason, it is important to be very specific when reporting issues: if just one parameter differs, we might not be able to experience the same problem you have.

When you report issues to our Customer care we need to know:

  • Who you are
    • Your username and/or email address(es)
    • Your company's name
  • Where you are
    • Are you on mobile or desktop?
    • Which browser are you using?
    • Which view are you in (e.g. My bikes, Get a bike, Benefits, Billing, Profile, etc.)?
  • What you are doing
    • What are you trying to achieve? And why?
    • What steps did you take to get there? What did you click? What happened?



I'm Ville Vapaus (email: and I work at Vapaus. I am trying to accept my order but it is not successful.

I'm using the Vapaus app on my laptop with Chrome and have tried to accept my order through my Vapaus account. The button I try to press to accept the order is not responding.
Could you help in locating the problem?


→  Use the support form


Thank you for your help!